Custom Nike Shoes Center
Selasa, 02 Maret 2010
Details Of Univ. Of Memphis' Nike Deal Released
In the current economy, Vick's Nike deal is even more amazing
Executive summary about Nike contract by Mike Florio
We were stunned -- as were many of you -- by the news that Nike has decided to enter into a new shoe and apparel deal with Eagles quarterback Mike Vick."Shoe money is so frigging tough to get right now," marketing rep Mike Ornstein recently told Liz Mullen of SportsBusiness Journal.
Minggu, 28 Februari 2010
Experiencing quality shoes with Nike

Buying shoes is a necessity. Shoes can go casual, and formal. It is suggested that when you buy shoes, most specifically casual and sports shoes, the brand Nike should be considered. Wholesale purchases of Nike shoes is very beneficial when you have a shoe shop business. For sports shoes which are designed for casual purposes, the Air Force One shoe series may be considered.
Tips for Buying Nike Tennis Shoes Wholesale

The feature of the Air Jordan tennis shoe that has made it so popular is that Nike designed the shoe to bring in air to the soles. Even though this feature continues to be extremely popular, Nike has continued to inprove their Air Jordan shoe. With a price tag of up to $300, these shoes are no longer cheap. The expense has created another entire market in the tennis shoe industry - the wholesale market.
Be Sporty With The Nike Air Morgan Shoes
Executive summary about Nike Air Morgan by Runa
The Nike Air Morgan is part of Nike’s action sports label Nike 6.0, has the traditional skate silhouette, a Velcro top and piercing color. The classic Nike swoosh logo is present at the side of the shoe. The major part of the shoe is covered in brown faux fur. The Nike logo is done with white fur. Being part of Nike 6.0, the Nike Air Morgan shoes can weather the stress and strain that comes with being a sports shoe.
Rabu, 24 Februari 2010
Jordan Shoes

Are you mad about Jordan shoes? Try to know everything about the new collections and Jordan retro shoes issues?
There are a lot of people who are even more crazy about the Jordan shoes than you are. It seems to such people that they can't wear these wonderful Jordan shoes in order to go for a walk or play basketball, so they buy two pairs of each model. The shoes which really attract attention of the people who even were not interested in sports and in basketball in particular. Just search for Air Jordan shoes online forums and probably you will find the model which is missing in your collection.
Nike's Dirty Little Secret to Success
Executive summary about Nike by Ted Sampley
1996's piggish profits made by Nike Corporation is a tell-all example of why so many of America's corporate giants rushed President Bill Clinton to prematurely remove the POW/MIA issue as an obstacle to normalized trade relations with communist Vietnam.
A close look at Nike, which is now sporting a "made in Vietnam" label, will reveal why so many corporate giants did not mind stomping on the POW/MIA issue during their furious campaign to promote business in communist Vietnam.
Since building its Vietnam factories, Nike's, "the hottest selling shoes in the world," sales rose 99 percent, allowing it to split its stocks, meaning huge profits for shareholders. Candidate Clinton had promised veterans and POW/MIA families he would never lift the embargo against Vietnam until Vietnam had produced an honest accounting of America's MIAs.
By July of 1995, Clinton had broken his promise and created a corporate frenzy in Vietnam by formally normalizing trade relations. Profits made from Nike in such third world sweatshops have made Knight the sixth richest man in America. In another incident, a supervisor used a Nike shoe to beat several women in retaliation for some poor sewing.
The U.S./Vietnam Trade Council, a powerful lobby funded by corporate interests, displayed no conscience about America's missing servicemen and child labor. During its aggressive and expensive public relations campaign to remove the trade embargo against Vietnam, the Trade Council boldly claimed "no compelling evidence" exists proving any American servicemen remain captive of the Vietnamese.
The Trade Council wordsmithed the Senate Select Committee's report's conclusion to read "Senate Committee finds no proof that U.S. POWs survived." Michael Jordan, who earns millions playing basketball, was paid $20 million by Knight to promote Nike's Air Jordan sneakers.
How to Clean Nike Sneakers

Nike sneakers, like any other brand of athletic shoe, should be cared for and cleaned regularly in order to preserve them, unless you don't mind buying new shoes every six months. The process of cleaning sneakers is actually quite easy.
1. Get a canister of foam cleaning solution when you buy your new Nike shoes.
2. Take a rag or cloth and dampen it.
3. Spray the foam solution over the shoe.
4. Run a plastic brush over the shoe, especially over the dirtiest areas, to scrape the dirt off.
5. Wipe off all the remaining solution and dirt with the damp cloth. Let the sneakers dry.
The Care and Maintenance of Sneakers
Apply a protective product to the shoe before you ever step outside your house. Protective products can be in the form of oil, wax, and silicone spray available at most shoe stores. Each type of material requires a special type of protective product.
All shoes require a certain amount of cleaning and upkeep. Allow the shoes a day to rest and dry before wearing again.
Never put your shoes in the washer. Spraying nylon shoes periodically with a silicone spray will keep dirt and stains from clinging. Smooth leather shoes, like Havana Joe Oxfords, we recommend special shoe cream. Choose the color closest to the color of your shoes. Dry thoroughly before applying the shoe polish. Polishing leather shoes takes time, but it is worth the effort. Remember never polish wet shoes. Saddle soap is also a great way to treat your leather shoes.
Suede shoes can be the most difficult to care for. Suede attracts stains and can be difficult to remove because getting the suede wet can ruin the shoes. For minor dirt and stains, try a soft brush (an old toothbrush is great for this) to gently brush away the dirt and scrub any staining. Are the soles of your shoes looking worn and dirty? Try a toothbrush and some Oxyclean paste (made according to the instructions) or Simple Green cleaning spray. Use sparingly with lots of elbow grease to clean the soles of your shoes.
Nike Retro Shoes!

Executive summary about Nike Retro by LK Reid
Samples of the Nike Retro series, on prominent display atop glazed glass shelves, in up market metro show rooms; give one the impression that they are Air borne. In fact there is an Air of confidence in their display angles and bright colours that seemingly beckon passers by to step in and witness the Air Legend.