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There are a lot of people who are even more crazy about the Jordan shoes than you are. It seems to such people that they can't wear these wonderful Jordan shoes in order to go for a walk or play basketball, so they buy two pairs of each model. The shoes which really attract attention of the people who even were not interested in sports and in basketball in particular. Just search for Air Jordan shoes online forums and probably you will find the model which is missing in your collection.
Nike's Dirty Little Secret to SuccessExecutive summary about Nike by Ted Sampley
1996's piggish profits made by Nike Corporation is a tell-all example of why so many of America's corporate giants rushed President Bill Clinton to prematurely remove the POW/MIA issue as an obstacle to normalized trade relations with communist Vietnam.
A close look at Nike, which is now sporting a "made in Vietnam" label, will reveal why so many corporate giants did not mind stomping on the POW/MIA issue during their furious campaign to promote business in communist Vietnam.
Since building its Vietnam factories, Nike's, "the hottest selling shoes in the world," sales rose 99 percent, allowing it to split its stocks, meaning huge profits for shareholders. Candidate Clinton had promised veterans and POW/MIA families he would never lift the embargo against Vietnam until Vietnam had produced an honest accounting of America's MIAs.
By July of 1995, Clinton had broken his promise and created a corporate frenzy in Vietnam by formally normalizing trade relations. Profits made from Nike in such third world sweatshops have made Knight the sixth richest man in America. In another incident, a supervisor used a Nike shoe to beat several women in retaliation for some poor sewing.
The U.S./Vietnam Trade Council, a powerful lobby funded by corporate interests, displayed no conscience about America's missing servicemen and child labor. During its aggressive and expensive public relations campaign to remove the trade embargo against Vietnam, the Trade Council boldly claimed "no compelling evidence" exists proving any American servicemen remain captive of the Vietnamese.
The Trade Council wordsmithed the Senate Select Committee's report's conclusion to read "Senate Committee finds no proof that U.S. POWs survived." Michael Jordan, who earns millions playing basketball, was paid $20 million by Knight to promote Nike's Air Jordan sneakers.